
Nikyla Maria
2 min readMar 17, 2022

They say she holds the universe in her eyes.

That one look from her will pierce your soul.

Her smile so bright it could fill a room.

Her energy strong enough to power 1000 cities.

But no one seems to wonder how she got that way. They don’t seem to see that the Universe is her eyes was formed my 10,000 broken promises, a handful of broken hearts, and memories of abuse that are unimaginable.

They don’t seem to see that as her eyes pierce your soul they are searching for your deeper truth. They are searching for your darkness, your light, your spirit. They are searching for YOU.

As they feel the warmth of her smile radiate throughout them they don’t know the pain she had to sit with, the parts of herself she had to heal, and the broken path she walked to transform her soul into divine being of light and love.

Because when a woman’s presence is that strong you know it’s because her spirit put in the work.

And as she found her worth, her wholeness and strength she discovered the most cosmic magic of all.

The Universal Well of Wealth, and she dove in head first knowing it was all for her. She swam through the energy expanding and growing it until it consumed her world.

Empowered by her ability to create, to flow in wealth, and stand in her truth…

She lived happily ever after.

Photo Credit: Marianna Smiley



Nikyla Maria

A Master of Self and Energy Activaor~I Guide Leaders and Stars into true self Mastery; creating optimal energy & cultivating wealth, luxury & freedom their way.